A Look Back at Year One of Spilled Milk
Thank you for making this my favorite place on the internet.
A Big Hello to the Spilled Milk Community,
I can’t believe it’s been a year since I launched Spilled Milk. I’ve found so much joy and comfort connecting with you all since last December. Having this community means more to me than you can imagine.
A heartfelt thank you to those who’ve been here since the beginning, and all of you who have joined along the way.
People ask how I do it all. The truth is, I don’t. For a few dollars a month, you can support Spilled Milk and the team that makes it.
For decades, I have used food and travel as lenses to bring issues into focus, from serious concerns like the disintegration of the family farm or simply sitting down to cook a fun family meal. If something gives me pause, I want to bring it up (remember this post?). And to be honest, I was getting disheartened by so much of the gotcha culture happening on social media—instead of fostering real conversation, people seem to be more interested in pointing out who’s wrong, and why they are right.
When I launched this endeavor, I had no idea what to expect. In the past year, I have been blown away by the thoughtfulness of this community. The conversation is curious and civil. It’s passionate and personal. I also love to listen and learn – and believe me, I’ve learned a lot.
Over the past 12 months, I like to think we’ve gotten into a bit of a weekly rhythm— from recipes and travel tips, GFY episodes and AMAs, plus fun conversations on Thursday’s chit-chat posts. We’ve discussed the news, shared recipes, travel tips, favorite food memories. I’ve laughed many times, and cried at least once.
December 1 will mark one year.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this possible — for your feedback, for your thoughtful discussions, for your honest contributions in the comments, and for your financial support to keep us going.
In just 12 months, you have helped turn an idea into a community. I hope you share my view that it’s been worth it.
If Spilled Milk has brought you joy, a new recipe you love, helped you plan an upcoming trip, or simply inspired you to be a better version of yourself, please consider becoming a paid subscriber.
It’s a great gift for yourself, or for someone you love. Making great content 5 days a week takes time, resources and superb people behind the scenes working hard to bring you something we think is important and has value.
We hope you feel it does, too.
Thank you in advance for diving into the deep end of the pool.
All the best,
Heart emojis
Hey Andrew, where was AMA yesterday???? We all knew yo were taking a break before Thanksgiving, because you stated you would be back that following Monday... yet net no AMA or GFY, is everything OK??? I miss you...........