Food prices are rising. Everywhere.
So I want to know how this has affected your shopping, eating and dining habits?
I went to the market and butter prices are up 30 percent. I don’t buy as much and cook with it less. I am avoiding expensive proteins and trying to cut back on non-essentials. I am trying to eat everything out of my freezers before I make new foods. And I am eating out 30 percent less.
I went to one of my favorite casual pizza and salad restaurants last week and still spent $100 for two people with beverages, etc. Now, in full disclosure we were two guys, and we ordered enough for three people. But still.
And restaurant prices are up, which I applaud since they have been artificially deflated for years. Increased costs over the last 50 years have to be passed on to the customer so that we can take care of our employees the right way.
Oh, and I doubled the size of my garden this year so that I can save money that way too.
I'm always ashamed at how much food waste I sometimes produce as a single person. My goal is to buy smaller and eat at home more, and FOOD PREP weekly. I find that as I notice prices so high I worry about others in my community who will go without. I live in a gritty area and many people are below the poverty line. I don't have the right to worry about myself but I do worry a LOT about those who have lower paying jobs that have nothing to stretch or cut back on. Many are already at the mercy of food deserts as it is. Something needs to give for our world. Can't sustain this. Even in our wealthy country like the USA. We've GOT TO turn out and VOTE IN those that will make substantial changes to make our world better...NOT political parties stronger. Okay...I'll get off my soapbox now. Just sayin'
Expanded the garden by at least 100 percent. We just harvested 20 lbs of purple and yellow potatoes two days ago! Admittedly, the first thing I cooked was homemade potato chips. =) We already replanted the area with a dozen seedlings, mostly varieties of peppers. Also, growing tomatoes and many more others. As of April, began keeping quails and we are getting four eggs daily with a small flock. Counting our blessings and reading books of lost herbal remedies and edibles. Our surplus will be able to be canned or sold or traded for other essentials. There’s five of us and food prices are no joke at all, I’m out there too.