It’s my favorite day of the week: Ask Me Anything.
This time, I’m talking about kitchen shears and pink salt.
Reminder: Only Premium Spilled Milk subscribers can ask me questions. Get 25% off your subscription here. The method for submitting questions is in the welcome email sent with your paid subscription.
This week’s questions:
Hi, I have a pretty technical question. I'm making Chinese roast pork (char siu) and the marinade calls for pink curing salt (i.e. nitrites). Once marinated, is it safe to bring the leftover marinade to a boil and reduce it down for use as a glaze or sauce? Or do I need to make that separately without curing salt? In other words, is it safe to consume sauce containing curing salt if boiled? Thanks in advance.
Andrew, can you tell me more about the Shun shears? Even with the discount, they are still pretty expensive. In what ways will I find value in that purchase? I used Wusthof shears for a long time and loved them, but they inexplicably got rid of the bone notch. I've been flailing to find some I love since then. Personally, I'm not a fan of the screwdriver tip on the handles - one of our current shears has that, and when exerting a lot of force, I've come close to goring myself with that thing
Get 30% off your Shun Knife purchase with code AZSHUNZ30X5. Please note: you need to create an account for code to work.
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