
AMA: My Favorite Apple Recipes

Plus, the best vacation I've ever taken

It’s my favorite day of the week: Ask Me Anything.

This time, I’m talking about apples and vacations. Two of the greatest things ever.

Reminder: Only Premium Spilled Milk subscribers can ask me questions. Get 25% off your subscription here. The method for submitting questions is in the welcome email sent with your paid subscription.

What are you cooking this weekend?

It’s still pretty warm in Minnesota, butI have to admit… I’ve been influenced by the onslaught of fall stuff all over the internet. I’ve starting to think about squash recipes, including this kabocha squash soup from my friend Graham Elliot. Here are my 9 favorite fall squash recipes. You’re sure to find something you love.

People ask how I do it all. The truth is, I don’t. For a few dollars a month, you can support Spilled Milk and the team that makes it.

This week’s questions:

I went to an apple orchard last weekend and am so overwhelmed by the amount of varieties! What’s your favorite for baking? What’s your favorite for eating?

A few favorite apple recipes:
11 Ways to Eat Sweet Tango Apples
Apple Tarte Tatin
Apple Cider-Braised Duck Legs

You recently said it’s been a long time since you took a “real” vacation. I realize this is hard to answer… but what’s the best vacation you’ve ever taken?

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