Some great questions this week. A reminder: EVERYONE can hear my answers, but only paid subscribers will have access to that email address.
This Week's Questions:
In regards to your canned fish post—what’s the deal with fish packed in water versus packed in oil? I grew up in the Fat-Free 90s, so water was ALWAYS the right answer, but I’m starting to think I’ve been led astray. As far as the oil goes, what do I do with it? Drain it? Leave it? Somewhere in between? I most typically use canned tuna, and make a deli salad for sandwiches. Help!
Get my canned fish suggestions here.
Thinking a trip north this summer to your adopted hometown of Minneapolis. Best places to expand my food horizons, keeping in mind I have less than adventurous people with me? Looking SOOOO forward to your work on the latest incarnation of Iron Chef!
Some Twin Cities Recommendations here.
Other restaurants I mentioned: Mara, 112 Eatery, Hmong Market, Petit Leon, Revival, Quang, Owamni
What is one food or drink that "everyone loves" but you don't? For me it's sushi. I've eaten it many times with friends who are obsessed with it but for me it's just ok.
If you want to submit your questions, become a paid subscriber. Click on this link for 50% off your first year. That works out to $2.08/mo.
A lot of people ask how I do it all. The truth is, I don’t. Between my marketing business, my production company, and my hospitality company, I employ a lot of talented people. I can’t do what I do without them. The small subscription fee helps compensate my team fairly, keep the lights on, and (let’s be honest) stock the fridge.
My sister was a terrific baker & cookie maker, she would made me raw cookie dough pies from scratch... I relished in them when she would surprise with sugar, ginger snap, oatmeal raisin and butterscotch chip cookie dough pie variates... This was when I was 4 through 6 years old, then came the prepackaged cookie dough from the major brands, thus the death of my childhood indulgence... They no longer truly homemade; they were a gritty sugar with a awful raw flour taste and made with oils NOT butter, thus tasted greasy too... SOooo at the ripe old age of 7, raw cookie dough was exiled from my indulgence list, and onto my disgusting list, never to cross these lips to this day... 57 years ago... and not missed whatsoever.... Great snacking AZ & All and everyone have a TERRIFIC Memorial Day extended weekend... CHEERS & Happy Grilling.!!!
Oh, the irony of your answer to this question... Cookie dough is basically cookie sushi, AZ!
Bonus points: Cookie dough is a delicious version of the Play-Doh we all wanted to eat when we were kids!
Triple bonus points: It's harder to measure how many cookie doughs you've eaten, whereas a count of the cookies you've inhaled is a much clearer measure of shameful excess.
I've got this figured out, man.
I'm guessing you're also not a fan of cake batter frozen yogurt?