AMA: Why Restaurants (& Diners) Must Change.
Plus, an update from one of our favorite community members.
It’s my favorite part of the week— Ask Me Anything.
Reminder: only Premium Spilled Milk subscribers can ask me questions. Subscribe here.
Hope you’re having a great Friday. What are you cooking this weekend? May I suggest these chilaquiles—for breakfast OR for dinner? By the way, this dish is made with my Badia Mexican Fiesta spice blend. You can find it here.
This Week’s Questions:
Update from Quinn Fucile, aka the self-proclaimed food nerd who was looking to get into the food business while wheelchair bound.
I just got my first job related to the food industry! I'm working for Dave Arnold, helping with the podcast Cooking Issues and the Booker and Dax business. Do you have any plans to be in New York this year? We would all absolutely love to have you as a guest on the show. If the travel doesn't work out, we do also have remote guests occasionally.
Follow Quinn on YouTube.
Follow Quinn on Instagram.
Hi, Andrew! As a respected member of the hospitality industry, what are your thoughts on the pervasive toxic culture many establishments nurture and how it could be addressed? I've worked in the industry for 5 years in NYC, which isn't a long time for many, but made friends who've worked at Michelin starred and Worlds 50 Best restaurant and bars. The stories that some have certainly sound like abuse.
Everyone has a bad day and the ship needs to be run tight, but it doesn't excuse the persistent abuse and lack of respect. Most places don't have an HR department and it's not easy to report when the employees need the job because they're paycheck to paycheck on minimum wage or wage subsidized by tips.
The industry is one that I love and there are so many amazing people in it, but not enough visibility on those who choose to step on others for their own success. Would love your thoughts.
My thoughts on tipping in the restaurant business.
Thoughts on toxic behavior in the hospitality industry.
1000% AZ. Bullseye on all points. Food is too important to our physical and mental health to allow it to subject to unfettered capitalism. We can pay for this by jerking the insane subsidies on commodity crops and supporting farmers who grow crops people eat.