Book Drop: Spilled Milk #198
6 great reads that you're going to want to have at your house this spring.
This issue of Spilled Milk has no paywall. Enjoy.
• ✈️ Come to Sicily with me. For real. Do it. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to travel WITH ME to one of my favorite places on earth. Don’t miss this. We have spots left but they are moving, and the price is incredible considering the insanely high level of travel you will be experiencing with me. All the info is at this link.
• There are almost 50,000 of you out there who are free subscribers to Andrew Zimmern’s Spilled Milk. I endorse that! Wouldn’t offer it if you weren’t just as important to me as a paying subscriber. But, if you are able to, please convert your subscriber status to paying. We donate a massive amount of dollars to nonprofits—check out this page to see just a small sampling of who we support, and we employ lots of folks. Help us keep the lights on and become a paying subscriber today.
• So here is a little bonus video for all you Spilled Milkers out there: Some of my favorite books of the last few months, a slower time for book pub than later in spring or in the fall, but some real stunners came in the mail recently that I want to make sure you have on your radar. Support your local independent book sellers, but buying on Amazon isn’t a crime. Both support writers and recipe testers, editors and photographers!
It's a messy world but there is no one “correct” way to buy a book. I get asked that all the time. What’s important is that you buy, read and cook out of cookbooks.
Here are the books I mentioned today:
“Think Remarkable” by Guy Kawasaki
“The Heirloomist” by Shana Novak
“The Jewish Holiday Table” by Naama Shefi and the Jewish Food Society
“Islas” by Von Diaz
“Good Catch” by Valentine Thomas
“The Food of Southern Thailand” by Austin Bush
Oops! I ordered from Russ and daughters.
I grew up in northern NJ across the Hudson. I just ordered bagels, coffee and Black and White cookies. I now live in Minnesota. Thank you for the taste of home!