
Go Fork Yourself: All About Disney

Hot tips for the Most Magical Place on Earth

On this week’s episode, Molly talks to Andrew about her upcoming trip to Disney World. Andrew shares his favorite spots at Disney, plus tips and tricks for navigating the park.

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Andrew’s Top Disney Tips:

The Grapefruit Cake from the Brown Derby.
  • Don’t try to pack it all in. Go slow and enjoy yourself!

  • Get there early. After 4-5 hours, go back to the hotel for quiet time. Swim, nap, eat, read a book. Just get out of the stimulation of Disney. Then, go back in the evening, eat something and do more rides.

  • Eat at the Brown Derby (Hollywood Studios) and get the grapefruit cake.

  • Go to the Primetime Cafe (Hollywood Studios). Get abused by the waitstaff.

  • Don’t enroll you very young child in Jedi Camp. Andrew’s story in the video says it all.

People ask how I do it all. The truth is, I don’t. For a few dollars a month, you can support Spilled Milk and the team that makes it.

Have you been to Disney? What are your favorite spots? Share with the rest of us!