
Go Fork Yourself: Questions from Disney

Where's the water?

Molly is on vacation in Disney World with her family, but sent in a few questions for Andrew from the road.

Namely: Why can you not fill up a water bottle at Disney World?

Here’s what she had to say:

We’re here with 10 people for 12 hour days. Our group brought in water bottles, but the only places to fill them up are at old, gross water fountains by the bathrooms. The water is lukewarm and tastes like a pool. I found 2 broken water bottle filling stations at Animal Kingdom, and zero at Magic Kingdom.

The park does give out small paper cups of ice water at most quick-serve restaurants. In order to drink enough to stay hydrated, each person at the park should probably be drinking 8-10 of those a day. With 320,000 guests at all four park many days, that’s about 3 MILLION single-use paper cups thrown away EVERY DAY. This doesn’t take into account cups used for soda, beer, coffee, etc. Am I the only one enraged by this? Also, Orlando is hot as hell. We need water, Walt!

I looked it up: Disney makes about $20 million dollars a day at these parks. A 20-ounce bottle of Smart Water costs $5.50 at the parks. I get that they want squeeze guests for every last penny, but come on. People will still buy bottles of water. And don’t get me started on the hand sanitizer situation. There isn’t any.

Other than that, we are having a great time! I promise!

So… what are your thoughts? And what hotel amenity do you really wish everyone offered? Share in the comments!