What’s the one ingredient/food item you panic about when you think you are running out of it?
Tell me in the chat, and WHY?
For me its citrus fruits, especially lemon/lime/yuzu/calamansi/grapefruit….less so orange, but it’s in there.
Well because I season everything with citrus of some kind. From ZEST to JUICE or both. Truly everything. Salt is just an acid in solid form. Looking to eliminate salt from your diet? Use more citrus! It brightens everything, and yes, I use MSG as well at home and have reduced salt usage by a third (more thoughts on MSG here).
gotta have Dijon at all times. I panic when there is none in the household!
With you on the citrus. Start every day with water & fresh squeezed lemon. Eliminated using as much salt as possible a while back, so I started using a bunch more spice & lime. I am giddy that grapefruit season is almost year!
I would also add butter & eggs. (I’d say coffee, but that would simply never happen 😂)