I think no-one has a monopoly on appropriating anything from anywhere. It is something the human race has done since forever. If we are so rigid as to think something borrowed can’t be done as well by the borrower, or loved as well, then we definitely have a problem. This thread of thinking spills into other areas and becomes a caustic issue in the writing of books, play productions, broadcast personalities, education, politics, etc. it seems we have lost some perspective and focus which will not get better if we continue to march down this line of thought.
The street corn looks awesome. I'm not cooking anything this weekend, as usual. Don't you look darling in your yellow rain jacket.....it's hot as blazes here in Naples.
I think no-one has a monopoly on appropriating anything from anywhere. It is something the human race has done since forever. If we are so rigid as to think something borrowed can’t be done as well by the borrower, or loved as well, then we definitely have a problem. This thread of thinking spills into other areas and becomes a caustic issue in the writing of books, play productions, broadcast personalities, education, politics, etc. it seems we have lost some perspective and focus which will not get better if we continue to march down this line of thought.
Always wondered what it was like on food competition shows. Agree , Morimoto is amazing!
The street corn looks awesome. I'm not cooking anything this weekend, as usual. Don't you look darling in your yellow rain jacket.....it's hot as blazes here in Naples.