Ask Me Anything: Chef Stoner Food and Secrets of My Carry-On Bag
Every week I take your questions. This week, we talk about classy 4/20 recipes, why I always travel with red chile flakes and a quick delicious dessert idea.
Hello again! This week I’m speaking to you from La Fonda Boricua in New York City. I loved all your questions this week. Paid subscribers who would like me to answer questions about cooking, tipping, great Thai restaurants or whatever is on their mind can leave them in the comments section below. Ask your friends for their questions, too!
Please take a moment to vote for our digital series “Knife Skills,” which is up for a Webby Award—you can vote here. And a happy 4/20 to those who celebrate!
This week’s questions
I know you’re sober, but it’s 4/20 week and I’ve seen you in a Grateful Dead shirt so I thought I’d ask: Do you have any ideas for easy—very important that they’re easy!—recipes that will satisfy a bad case of the munchies?
Thanks for your article about best Thai places. Have you been to Sway in Austin? It’s literally my favorite restaurant of all time.
Is your favorite song "On The Road Again"?
Jewish Swordsman
As a former tipped worker I'd love for tips to go the way of the Dodo even if it means I pay more as a customer.
With regard to tipping, how confusing is it for people who come from outside the US to know what to do when they visit here? How can restaurants make it easier for them?
Bizarre you REALLY like everything? Did you have to acquire a taste for anything in particular? Were you just exposed to lots of different foods as a kid/young adult?
What’s always in your carry-on bag? Also, do you take a neck pillow?
Do you have a go-to last minute dessert that’s not ice cream (or recommendations for one)?
How should I store different kinds of vinegars? Apple Cider, Rice Wine Vinegar, etc.
Hello Andrew, I'm a new annual subscriber to your newsletter and perhaps you have previously answered this question. We have thoroughly enjoyed every season and every episode of Family Dinner. It's authentic and true Americana. We also enjoyed the one episode of Family Restaurant. Will there be more episodes coming of Family Restaurant?
Loved seeing you as a judge on TOC. Would love to hear if there any differences in how you approach judging on there versus Iron Chef.