Hi Andrew! I'm a new subscriber. My husband and I love your Wild Game Kitchen show and we're inspired to create an outdoor cooking area. Do you have suggestions as to how many pits to have (one for coal production, one for cooking?), heights of each (to spare the back), whether they should be fitted for grates, spits, tee-pee contraptions, etc? Do you have any other resources, hints or tips for the design of the ideal outdoor cooking space?

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I have been very satisfied with pans from Sardel. It's heresy but I sometimes use metal forks and they have held up under my abuse.

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1. What are some of your favorite snacks for both home and hotel room (when traveling)?

2. We’re looking to replace our old non stick pans and I’m wondering if you have any suggestions? (William Sonoma has some great holiday deals right now).

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