OMG, now I’m drooling. No argument from me…haven’t experienced any of those…

One of my biggest food regrets…on a street in Paris, watching chickens spinning over a pan of potatoes…within a glass oven…on full display…juices dripping all over the potatoes…all naughty like!

We watched, we drooled a bit, and we walked on. Foolish!!

Love when a song or a smell or a flavor takes me back to a memory. Hotdogs send me back to Wrigley Field with my dad..apple pie..baking with my Grandma…and now…I’m hungry for chicken, hotdogs & pie.

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I would never argue against L'Ami Louis. The roast chicken even appeared in Peter Mayle's wonderful book "Hotel Pastis". By the way, Driven By Food was one of the best series ever.

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