Food shortages are directly related to PLANNED food and fertilizer factory fires! Who ever isn’t aware of this should research, and tune into anything but mainstream media who have been lying to us for years!!!

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I love the idea of treating meat as a side dish! Serving sizes in the United States have become quite distorted over the years. 4 oz of high quality meat is a good serving size if you make that your new normal. 50 years ago, that was considered a standard serving. Highlighting less calorie dense vegetables is definitely the way to go for both health and financial reasons.

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I'm having a difficult time with this. We travel a lot. I haven't seen any of this supply shortage in Hawaii, Colorado, Florida, Texas, Arkansas. I see pics from NYC but where I live the only shortage I see is baby formula. Since I live on a ranch we buy food in bulk and have a freezer full of fish, beef and chicken and pork. Maybe its coming but so far no shortages that I've seen.

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I believe the only way to truly get a handle on these very serious issues, is to require schools to incorporate a "Food Chain Cycle" curriculum beginning in kindergarten through high school... the full cycle, birth, development, feed, processing, to the counters and finally one's table –– beef, poultry and seafood... +Plus the 'flip-slide, the education of planting, growing and harvesting vegetables, fruits and other 'plant-based' proteins...

If taught and exposed in their earliest years, they may discover a career that may fascinate them to pursue... kids love visiting traditional Farms, Aqua Farming, Audubons, Cheese makers, Butcher Shops etc., etc...

Students, once they are fully exposed to the food industry and practices, maybe inclined to be part of the 'Solution', which would be the goal. Having a truly knowledgeable and exceptionally well educated public, will be the most impactful way to address the "War on Frivolous Waste", thus we need to get SMART and think hard about the future, if they want one...??? I certainly do, and I only hope everybody develops that same high desire...

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Shop at farmers markets. It tastes better. 😎

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Thanks for the reminder 🤓

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Piggybacking a bit:

#3: We also look at the origin of fruits and vegetables we buy and try to buy from the U.S., meaning it's in season, not from South America - importing because we refuse to accept that some plants have *seasons* is pretty wasteful. Maybe you don't need to be able to eat asparagus and artichokes at any time of the year...

#6: Anything you grow/gather or raise/hunt yourself becomes very special and you will find yourself wasting much less, because you worked so hard for it.

#7: Amen! Responding to action alerts with form letters/emails works too, but a personalized email or phone call is HUGE. Politicians have to take the temperature of their electorate constantly (see also, "Joe Manchin").

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Your #6 is so true. Raise a chicken or walk 5 miles to find a pheasant and I’ll bet you won’t want to make boneless skinless breast and thighs with it.

To that point of raising/growing your own. Americans are often criticized for the amount of space we have (size of homes, size of yards, the fact that we often live in detached houses). Raising chickens in your “big” backyard where they can eat food scraps and some supplemental feed is a great way to reduce food waste and the environmental impacts of meat and egg production. Not viable for all, but for many.

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Good work!

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