I was never one to subscribe to boycotts. From dolphin friendly tuna fishing to sweat shop and child labours. They are usually knee jerk reactions to situations we - the middle and upper class members of the world (yes the Us, Canada, UK, France, etc.) - are responsible fo begin with. The boycott degradin actions against seal hunters for example (I am in Newfoundland) caused unbelievable hardships to a good portion of the population (native and others). On another note: Do you know that slavery stopped in the "modern" world not because it developed a conscious but because it because technology mad it easier to live without them
I was never one to subscribe to boycotts. From dolphin friendly tuna fishing to sweat shop and child labours. They are usually knee jerk reactions to situations we - the middle and upper class members of the world (yes the Us, Canada, UK, France, etc.) - are responsible fo begin with. The boycott degradin actions against seal hunters for example (I am in Newfoundland) caused unbelievable hardships to a good portion of the population (native and others). On another note: Do you know that slavery stopped in the "modern" world not because it developed a conscious but because it because technology mad it easier to live without them