We’re changing things up a little bit. Thought it would be fun to start a weekly AMA (that’s gen Z/millennial speak for Ask Me Anything… I’m just a boomer trying to be cool).
Ask me anything in the comment section.
I really mean anything— from my favorite burger of all time to the kitchen gadgets I lean on the most; who’s my favorite Spice Girl (it’s Baby Spice) and when was the last time I cried. I will answer a few in next week’s AMA.
Get creative, thought-provoking, or just plain weird with your questions— guarantee those are the things I’m mostly likely to answer.
To kick things off, I’m answering a questions I’ve gotten a lot:
What’s your most embarrassing moment in the kitchen?
Watch the above video to hear the dirty details.
So, that’s my AMA for the week. Drop your Qs for next week in the comments. Have a great weekend! -AZ
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