I like the full instructional version. It's nice to be able to learn from you, as you do it. You get insights and observations that you wouldn't necessarily get from the "snappier" versions. Perhaps snappy for simpler recipes, and instructional for the more complex? Though "complex" can sometimes be a relative term.

I'm a paid subscriber because I've liked your stuff, and wanted the access to all of what was offered.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

You said exactly what I would have said. :) (Paid subscriber)

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Hi Andrew,

I subscribed and paid because I love your content & your style. I agree with the comment about the background music…it was distracting.

I prefer instructional vids…if I want short/quick ones I go to Instagram (no TilTok)…beside I can fast forward/skip if instructions are too long winded.

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I like both (snappy and longer instructional) but probably snappy a tad more. And I like that the music stopped after a few minutes. I think while you're talking, there shouldn't be music playing also. It's distracting. I'm paying because I think the content and entertainment factor is well worth it. I agree with Lisa on shorter lists when people ask where to eat...maybe your top 5 or something? ;)

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I would like a combination of shorter, snappier videos and these longer, more instructional ones. Always excited to learn new techniques and ingredients!

I’m a paid subscriber, especially for the restaurant and tool recommendation's. That being said, maybe a shorter list (people just can’t get to ALL of them each trip, and FOMO sets in!), and a link to your city lists instead?

Also enjoy the recaps of your event travels - especially fun stories about other chefs and about Cayman Cookout.

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I'm not a sophisticated cook, but I enjoy watching skilled cooks doing what they do, so I like today's post. But I most enjoy hearing your opinions about food, travel, and the world. You've led--and lead--an extraordinary life, and I love being prompted to think in ways that hadn't occurred to me. You do that, so that's why I am a paid subscriber. You're food for my brain and heart.

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Pick Dan (randomly of course ;))

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I enjoy both video styles! Full length lnstructional with your snappy banter, that makes me 😃. This blog and binge watching Wild Game Kitchen has me

actually excited about cooking again! Rekindling that passion has me teary, I thought it was gone forever.

I'd love to be a paid subscriber, hopefully in the future! After a very long illness budgetary restrictions are

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Andrew, I am a paid subscriber because your recipes work and are flavor forward. I used your Badia Mexican spice and a chili recipe to win my first chili cookoff. Your knowledge and skill are translated to us without showing off. Your respect for fresh, sustainable ingredients and resources is appreciated and palpable. Your volunteer efforts on developing and highlighting innovative technologies are inspiring and informative. I also appreciate your willingness to discuss your recovery, your gratitude and commitment to that community. It resonates! My thoughts on the videos: No music please. I think only Nigella can pull that off with her sultry style . From you, I want your incredible expertise, family sensibility, talent and ‘I’m here for you’ attitude. Why did I subscribe? I can’t subscribe to more than a couple of substack options. You are my constant and I rotate other content providers every four months to find interesting, intelligent, progressive publications. I am unable to travel many places as a retired person who went through Wall Street Hell from 2007-10. Those lists are vicarious bits of your vast wealth of world travel.

Also, I used your Shun discount plus Amazon prime earned bonus points to buy three essential Sun knives (which you recommended to me for smaller hands on Ask Anything) for $70, total. Those knives are so stunningly beautiful, they fit me like custom creations. Definitely worth the price of a Spilled Milk subscription forever! Those knives make me want to cook! Also as a MN home cook, I support MN experts and I have known you for several decades and have always been a fan and customer where you cooked. I don’t know how you produce all of the content you do but thank you! What would I like to see? An Andrew instructional series on how to get started in Thai cooking would be very helpful! Everyone I know wants to be good at Thai and Vietnamese but we never have the right products. From a marketing perspective, I think you could add a link and a pitch on all of your non-subscriber content. I think you produce more content than any chef out there! Can you do a learn more video vs just having a subscribe button? Can you offer to Badia buyers or make some paid content free to them as a trial? Compare a subscription and what you get vs an espresso drink- do a sponsored ad that is you talking about being a better cook and how to think like a chef - with all of these videos and advice, get DIRECT access to you personally through ASK ME ANYTHING.

Have a live event at Intuitive, tour, watch you make a video live, screen Water with TC subscribers and do it live for IG and FB for non-residents…send a summary email or text to subscribers every week…I noticed the numbers on the videos aren’t as robust as I would have expected when I checked that engagement on You Tube. Maybe people see the email but are busy…try experimenting sending it at night when people are online but not working. I know lots of people don’t have any idea what Substack is. Help them get comfortable with it. Your how does a guy like me do it statement is transparent but also a bit galling; I get it, appreciate that like in a restaurant people pay for service. However, you’re a celebrity with an enormous following and you make a shit ton of money. Maybe subscriptions are 50% split with one of your favorite organizations? These are ideas that might move the needle. It’s not music, nor frequency. You just asked subscribers why they joined. They will have ideas. Can you give them access to reruns of Bizarre through your own channel? Content creators are clawing their way to incredible success, monitor and observe, whether chefs or not. I love podcasts but have never listened to yours. There’s a lot of AZ available online. What is the value proposition for each product? Evaluate and hone. Is there a technique, a lesson, a product that can be learned from each product and amplified into a learning experience moment model? Thanks for asking.

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Shun knives, my apology.

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This was delicious! Was looking at a pile of mangos this AM, that all ripened at the same time, deciding what to do with them…perfect timing! Couldn’t shave my mangoes, a bit too soft, but sliced were just fine, & had a tangerine but no Meyer lemon…otherwise thanks for sharing a recipe that i happened to have all the ingredients for & pulled together as I watched the video!

So I did enjoy the instructions & the antidotal pops of info, but sometimes I do prefer the simpler, quicker video. So for me I’d say the variety package is my choice. Mix-it-up.

I was a paid from the beginning , but this year opted out, and I guess that makes me a AZ substack voyeur?? While I did enjoy the content, was looking for a bit more interaction. (Even among followers, interaction started strong with lots of engagement, seemed to just fade)

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I enjoy the full videos. Thank you for sharing.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

Prefer to see a hybrid where you talk and explain briefly what is being done along with the ingredient info.

I am not a paid subscriber as I was on welfare after my mother passed in 2009 and just recently got out of debt. So , $$ for things is a bit lacking on a fixed income (on SS).

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I am a paid subscriber because I love to watch your videos. I’m not a chef . But I’m fascinated with your cooking and enthusiasm you put into your recipes you share in your videos.

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I like instructional videos particularly when there is a trickier recipe or something that needs to be browned to a specific color. I am a

paid subscribe for the great recipes and ideas but also because I’ve always loved your content.

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That looks yummy. My mom likes you because you share the program. I miss watching you on tv. I like to gather knowledge from you. I like things long, Thank you.

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I like the full instruction version because of the tips and detailed techniques. I like the jazz background music as opposed to the piano music which I found too serious.

I am a paid subscriber because I find your midwestern palette very different from my California one and am curious to try some of your dishes. I did make one of your hot dishes for my family and it was ok. We all agreed that we thought this might be a dish that conjures up happy childhood memories.

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Andrew, I was a subscriber for 2 years. This past year, I became increasingly frustrated with your posts and recipes. I asked if "Go Fork Yourself" was coming back and your answer to me was "absolutely". It never came back.

You digressed into episode after episode of telling people where to eat in foreign countries. I have no interest in this and felt my money was wasted.

I joined for your recipes. Ah, what recipes you DID provide became all Asian. I don't mind one or two Asian recipes, but almost ALL of them?

Spilled Milk was terrific when it began, but it has degraded to the point where I will not pay for it anymore. And, I miss your playfullness with Molly.

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Full-on instruction, every time for me. You're a good teacher and the full videos allow that aspect of you to come through more.

I've thought for as long as I've watched your shows and read or listened to what you have to say that your honesty, candid presence, and realness/earnestness are some of your unique strengths. It comes across as genuine when you feel something and talk about it, and you operate from a basic stance of respect and love of people and food.

As a teacher, you do something that I've noticed not everyone can do: you can put yourself in someone else's shoes... in a beginner's shoes... and so you can explain and demonstrate things in a way that is easy to follow and connect to. I suspect people watch your videos and consume your content because they actually learn things from you. I know I do! That's in addition to you just being a nice and genuine guy.

Food is one of our few truly universal things and in addition to that the acts of making food and eating food are so often communal. So it makes sense to me that what we want from food content - even more than we want it from any kind of performance - is connection. And connection comes from vulnerability which in turn comes from honesty. Keep down this path. It's a powerful one.

I'm not a paid subscriber yet. I just stepped away from my last job and when I have my next one, I'll subscribe. The content you make certainly seems worth it and I love that you make an effort to include your unpaid subscribers in a meaningful way. Thanks, man! Keep it up! <3

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