What’s the one food you could eat every day?
I am intrigued by this question for serious reasons. Because of our vacillating economic forecasts, we are all looking at what we spend, and on what, especially with food. So what is the food that you absolutely won’t scratch off your list?
One food I could eat every day is GREAT cheese. And while it’s expensive and something I could technically go without… you can have my overly ripe and runny Camembert when you pry it from my cold dead hands.
So, what’s that one food for you that you could or do eat every day that isn’t changing? What’s non-negotiable in your house?
Really good artisan bread and lightly salted butter from Normandy.
This changes periodically for me. Right now it’s butter & eggs. After a defiant “im not paying that $” for generic grocery store butter…I happily & without looking at the $ added it to my haul at the Farmers market…(mentally having my Sheila E moment…”if u have to ask…🎶”)
Later saw I paid $9 for butter. This weekend my friends daughter wanted just butter on her home made tortillas. And while I applauded a 6 year olds appreciation of a well made tortilla…I did stash it from her so I didn’t turn into my dad & tell her how much it cost. 😂
Oh, and ice cream. That’s a food right?