Ask Me Anything: What to Do With All Those Apples
This week, I also give some advice about schmaltz and talk about New Orleans and grills.
Hello from New York, where I’m at the New York City Wine & Food Festival.
I take questions from Spilled Milk subscribers every week: Subscribe now to ask me … anything, I mean it! Recently, people have asked me how I prepare pheasant, where to find great places to eat in Milwaukee and what sort of herb blends I like to have on hand.
• My New Orleans guide. Here’s info on R&O’s, and here’s Willie Mae’s.
• Equator Coffees and Panther Coffee
This week’s questions
Do you have a favorite New Orleans restaurant? Or two?
Your thoughts on California passing AB418 without banning titanium dioxide?
What brand of coffee do you brew for yourself?
I’m heading to Lyon soon. Suggestions?
Where can I get schmaltz?
That’s a nice grill in the souvlaki video. What are your thoughts on the classic Weber kettle grill?
My wife and her mother went apple picking and now we have a bushel of apples, I can’t even. What can I do with all these damn apples?
What makes an Italian hero sandwich great?
Any recommendations for low budget caterers? As people and corporations tighten their belts. I’m not sure where to find clients to maintain revenue. Thank you again, my favorite chef.
Is your souvlaki a sandwich or a taco? I’m saying taco.
Re: Abi's question about apples, I have an apple tree and every year make a huge batch of apple cider vinegar. It gives us enough for a whole year, plus gifts for our neigbors in nice bottles. Also, you can never have enough Tarte Tatin!
Could you please contact regarding your goldilocks dog story.